How to use RTCPeerConnection.js? (v1.5)

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This tutorial is out-dated (written in 2013). Please check this tutorial instead:

Explains how to

  1. use WebRTC peer connection API (RTCPeerConnection.js)
  2. write one-to-one video sharing application
  3. use or websockets for signaling


  1. If you're newcomer, newbie or beginner; you're suggested to try RTCMultiConnection.js or DataChannel.js libraries.
  2. Remember: RTCPeerConnection.js is documented here.
  3. Another recommended tutorial is: How to use WebRTC PeerConnection?

Start here..

First of all; you need to reference RTCPeerConnection.js library:

<script src=""></script>


Now assume that you are creating "offer" need to use this code to create offer sdp:

var peer = RTCPeerConnection({
    attachStream	: clientStream,
    onICE     		: function (candidate) {},
    onRemoteStream  	: function (stream) {},
    onOfferSDP    	: function(sdp) {}

Here is the short explanation of above code ↑

  1. attachStream: client stream that you need to share with other peer!

    A few days later; you may want to attach multiple streams; e.g. one audio+video stream; and one screen sharing stream; in such case, you can use attachStreams object to attach multiple streams:
    attachStreams = [MediaStream1, MediaStream2, MediaStream3]

  2. onICE: it returns locally gathered ICE so you can share them with other end.

    candidate object contains two properties:

    1. candidate.sdpMLineIndex
    2. candidate.candidate

  3. onRemoteStream: returns remote stream attached by other peer.
  4. onOfferSDP: returns offer sdp; so you can send it to other peer to get answer sdp.

Now assume that other peer generated answer sdp and sent to you; you can pass that sdp to this function:

peer.addAnswerSDP( answer_sdp );

Now assume that other peer gathered ICE and sent to you; you can pass that ICE to this function:

    sdpMLineIndex 	: candidate.sdpMLineIndex,
    candidate 		: candidate.candidate


99% process is the same for peer who "creates answer sdp"; the only difference is: for that peer you don't need "onOfferSDP" and also you don't need to call "peer.addAnswerSDP( answer_sdp );". What extra you need to do is here:

var peer = RTCPeerConnection({
    attachStream     	: clientStream,

    onICE     		: function (candidate) {},
    onRemoteStream  	: function (stream) {},
    // see below two additions ↓
    offerSDP      	: offer_sdp,
    onAnswerSDP   	: function(sdp) {}

Let me elaborate:

  1. offerSDP: you need to pass offer sdp sent by other peer.
  2. onAnswerSDP: returns answer sdp so you can send it to other end.

For ICE sent by other peer; you need to do same thing:

    sdpMLineIndex 	: candidate.sdpMLineIndex,
    candidate 		: candidate.candidate

Some quick tips:

  1. You MUST get client stream before opening sockets or XHR requests.
  2. Offerer can create offer sdp any time; but other peer should start creating answer sdp only when it has offer sdp.
  3. Before creating answer; you MUST not add any ICE sent by other peer.

How to write a realtime WebRTC app using

First of all; you need to reference

<script src=""></script>

Now, open socket and transmit your request (e.g. room) until a participant found:

var socket = io.connect('', {
    publish_key		: 'demo',
    subscribe_key	: 'demo',
    ssl			: true,                   /* <<< for HTTPS */
    channel		: 'WebRTC App'

socket.on('connect', onconnect);
socket.on('message', oncallback);

/* socket is opened: it is your time to transmit request! */
function onconnect() {}

/* got response */
function oncallback(response) {}

Above code is same for both: offerer and answerer.


Now, assume that it is "offerer" who transmits request for participant to join him. He will not create "offer sdp" until he receive "join request" from his participant.

Following code is for offerer (95% part of this code can be used for Answerer):

function onconnect()

var userID = 'offerer';             /* unique ID to identify this user */
var foundParticipant = false;

function transmitRequest()
        userID	: userID,
        type	: 'request to join'

    // Transmit "join request" until participant found
    !foundParticipant && setTimeout(transmitRequest, 1000);

function oncallback(response) 
    // Don't get his own messages
    if(response.userID == userID) return;

    // if participant found
        foundParticipant = true;

        // create offer and send him offer sdp

    // answer sdp sent to you: complete handshake
    if(response.firstPart || response.secondPart)

var peer;

function createOffer()
    peer = RTCPeerConnection({

        /* function(offer_sdp) {}, */
        onOfferSDP: sendOfferSDP,

        onICE: function(candidate) {
            socket && socket.send({
                userID: userID,
                candidate: {
                    sdpMLineIndex: candidate.sdpMLineIndex,
                    candidate: JSON.stringify(candidate.candidate)
        onRemoteStream: function(stream) {
            if(stream) video.src = webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream);
        attachStream: clientStream

// send offer sdp 
function sendOfferSDP(sdp)
    var sdp = JSON.stringify(sdp);

    /* because sdp size is larger than what pubnub supports for single request...
    /* that's why it is splitted in two parts */
    var firstPart = sdp.substr(0, 700),
        secondPart = sdp.substr(701, sdp.length - 1);

    /* transmitting first sdp part */
        userID: userID,
        firstPart: firstPart

    /* transmitting second sdp part */
        userID: userID,
        secondPart: secondPart

var answerSDP = {};

// got answer sdp, process it 
function processAnswerSDP(response)
    if (response.firstPart) {
        answerSDP.firstPart = response.firstPart;
        if (answerSDP.secondPart) {
            var fullSDP = JSON.parse(answerSDP.firstPart + answerSDP.secondPart);
    if (response.secondPart) {
        answerSDP.secondPart = response.secondPart;
        if (answerSDP.firstPart) {
            var fullSDP = JSON.parse(answerSDP.firstPart + answerSDP.secondPart);

That was all you need to do for offerer side.


For answerer: you write 95% same code like offerer; there is just a little bit difference.

  1. For answerer, you don't use "onOfferSDP" instead you use "onAnswerSDP"
  2. For answerer, you've to pass "offerSDP" object containing "offer sdp" sent by offerer
  3. For answerer, you don't need to call "peer.addAnswerSDP" because this function is for "offerer" only.

On the "Answerer" side; when user click "join" button; send a message to Offerer to tell him that you're ready to get "offer sdp" from him.

var userID = 'answerer';

socket && socket.send({
    participant: true,
    userID: userID

Here is the function that creates "answer sdp":

function createAnswer(offer_sdp)
    peer = RTCPeerConnection({
        /* you need to pass offer sdp sent by offerer */
        offerSDP: offer_sdp,
        onAnswerSDP: sendAnswerSDP,
        onICE: onICE,
        onRemoteStream: onRemoteStream,
        attachStream: clientStream

For answerer: socket "callback" function will be like this:

function oncallback(response) 
    if(response.userID == userID) return;
    // you can show a "join" button or you can send participant request
    if(response.type && response.type == 'request to join') {}

    // offer sdp sent to you by offerer
    if(response.firstPart || response.secondPart)

Remember: you don't need to call "peer.addAnswerSDP(fullSDP)" in processAnswerSDP function; instead call createAnswer like this:


You MUST get client stream before creating offer or answer.

How to write same app in WebSocket?

For WebSocket, you need to reference websocket.js instead of referencing

<script src=""></script>

You need to create socket like this:

"use strict"

var socket = new WebSocket('wss://');
socket.onmessage = onconnect;
socket.onopen = function(event)

All other things are 100% same like above code.

You may also like this guide: WebRTC for Beginners: A getting stared guide!

Latest Updates

RecordRTC, RTCMultiConnection, MultiStreamsMixer, DetectRTC, Canvas-Designer, Chrome-Extensions updated.
MultiStreamsMixer, DetectRTC, RecordRTC, RTCMultiConnection updated.