WebRTC for Beginners
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This tutorial is out-dated (written in 2013). Please check this tutorial instead: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/webrtc-web/#0
- If you're newcomer, newbie or beginner; you're suggested to try RTCMultiConnection.js or DataChannel.js libraries.
Getting USER MEDIA using Chrome media capture APIs
First of all: you need to get access to microphone and camera if you want to build a video streaming app.
var streamToAttach; navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({ audio: true, video: true }, function (stream) { video.src = webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream); streamToAttach = stream; }, function(error) { alert(error); });
Getting USER MEDIA using Firefox media capture APIs
var streamToAttach; navigator.mozGetUserMedia({ audio: true, video: true }, function (stream) { video.mozSrcObject = stream; video.play(); streamToAttach = stream; }, function(error) { alert(error); });
There are following possible situations:
- A person wants to share camera with his friend(s): so, he will make an offer to his friend to join him.
He is the offerer. - A person who receives an offer from a friend: so, he will join him. He is the answerer.
There are so many other possible situations. Let go to the point.
The first situation: a person wants to make an offer request to his friend. He will create offer sdp and send that sdp to his friend.
First of all: we need to open a peer connection:
var peerConnection = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(
{ "iceServers": [{ "url": "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302" }] }
webkitRTCPeerConnection (or mozRTCPeerConnection) constructor takes two objects (arguments):
- ICE servers (STUN or TURN)
- Optional (like RtpDataChannels)
For Firefox, you can use this STUN server:
{ "iceServers": [{ "url": "stun:stun.services.mozilla.com" }] }
Setting event handlers for peer connection object:
peerConnection.onicecandidate = onicecandidate; peerConnection.onaddstream = onaddstream; peerConnection.addStream (streamToAttach);
In simple words: onicecandidate returns locally generated ICE candidates so you can pass them over other peer(s) via XHR or Socket.
onaddstream returns remote stream (microphone and camera of your friend!).
peerConnection.addStream attaches your local microphone and camera for other peer.
Creating Offer SDP
peerConnection.createOffer(function (sessionDescription) {
// POST-Offer-SDP-For-Other-Peer(sessionDescription.sdp, sessionDescription.type);
}, function(error) {
}, { 'mandatory': { 'OfferToReceiveAudio': true, 'OfferToReceiveVideo': true } });
Assume that you sent offer sdp to your friend using XHR. Now, "process" that offer sdp and then create answer sdp and send it back to offerer:
peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(offerSDP));
And to createAnswer...
peerConnection.createAnswer(function (sessionDescription) {
// POST-answer-SDP-back-to-Offerer(sessionDescription.sdp, sessionDescription.type);
}, function(error) {
}, { 'mandatory': { 'OfferToReceiveAudio': true, 'OfferToReceiveVideo': true } });
Offerer received answer sdp from answerer
peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(answerSDP));
Offer/Answer exchange is done. What remaining is ICE candidates.
On getting locally generated ICE
function onicecandidate(event) {
if (!peerConnection || !event || !event.candidate) return;
var candidate = event.candidate;
// POST-ICE-to-other-Peer(candidate.candidate, candidate.sdpMLineIndex);
On getting ICE sent by other peer
peerConnection.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMLineIndex: candidate.sdpMLineIndex, candidate: candidate.candidate }));
onaddstream event handling
function onaddstream(event) { if (!event) return; remote_video.src = webkitURL.createObjectURL(event.stream); // remote_video.mozSrcObject = event.stream; }
Wait until remote stream starts flowing
function onaddstream(event) { if (!event) return; remote_video.src = webkitURL.createObjectURL(event.stream); // remote_video.mozSrcObject = event.stream; waitUntilRemoteStreamStartsFlowing(); }
function waitUntilRemoteStreamStartsFlowing()
if (!(remote_video.readyState <= HTMLMediaElement.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA
|| remote_video.paused || remote_video.currentTime <= 0))
// remote stream started flowing!
else setTimeout(waitUntilRemoteStreamStartsFlowing, 50);
Single Page Demos
Real Demos
Other Tutorials
- Are you interested in a "more" simple full-fledged guide? Read this tutorial.
- Are you interested in a "more" detailed guide? Read this tutorial.
- You can find many tutorials here: https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/#documentations