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MediaStream.stop is obsolete or removed; how to fix it?
var MediaStream = window.MediaStream; if (typeof MediaStream === 'undefined' && typeof webkitMediaStream !== 'undefined') { MediaStream = webkitMediaStream; } if (typeof MediaStream !== 'undefined' && !('stop' in MediaStream.prototype)) { MediaStream.prototype.stop = function() { this.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { track.stop(); }); }; }
Now, feel free to use stream.stop
stream.addEventListener('ended', function() { alert('Stream is stopped.'); }, false); stream.stop();via: http://stackoverflow.com/a/11646945/552182
getRemoteStreams alternative?
var stream = new MediaStream(); peer.getReceivers().forEach(function(receiver) { stream.addTrack(receiver.track); }); video.srcObject = stream; console.log(stream.getTracks()); // check console logs
var audioTrack, videoTrack; peer.getReceivers().forEach(function(receiver) { if (receiver.track.kind === 'audio' && !audioTrack) { audioTrack = receiver.track; } if (receiver.track.kind === 'video' && !videoTrack) { videoTrack = receiver.track; } }); var stream = new MediaStream(); if (audioTrack) { stream.addTrack(audioTrack); } if (videoTrack) { stream.addTrack(videoTrack); } video.srcObject = stream; console.log(stream.getTracks()); // check console logs
Or override "getRemoteStreams" and "getLocalStreams"
if (!peer.getRemoteStreams) { peer.getRemoteStreams = function() { var stream = new MediaStream(); peer.getReceivers().forEach(function(receiver) { stream.addTrack(receiver.track); }); return [stream]; }; } if (!peer.getLocalStreams) { peer.getLocalStreams = function() { var stream = new MediaStream(); peer.getSenders().forEach(function(sender) { stream.addTrack(sender.track); }); return [stream]; }; }
How to detect if screen-sharing stopped or camera stopped (cross browser)?
addStreamStopListener(yourScreen, function() { alert('screen sharing is ended.'); }); function addStreamStopListener(stream, callback) { stream.addEventListener('ended', function() { callback(); callback = function() {}; }, false); stream.addEventListener('inactive', function() { callback(); callback = function() {}; }, false); stream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { track.addEventListener('ended', function() { callback(); callback = function() {}; }, false); track.addEventListener('inactive', function() { callback(); callback = function() {}; }, false); }); }
Stream end handler using promises:
addStreamStopListenerUsingPromises(stream).then(function() { alert('screen sharing is ended.'); }); function addStreamStopListenerUsingPromises(stream) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { try { var callback = resolve; stream.addEventListener('ended', function() { callback(); callback = function() {}; }, false); stream.addEventListener('inactive', function() { callback(); callback = function() {}; }, false); stream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { track.addEventListener('ended', function() { callback(); callback = function() {}; }, false); track.addEventListener('inactive', function() { callback(); callback = function() {}; }, false); }); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); }
How to get mp3 stream?
document.querySelector('input[type=file]').onchange = function(event) { var file = this.files[0]; if(file && file.size > 0) { getMp3Stream(file, function(mp3Stream) { mp3Stream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { rtcPeerConnection.addTrack(track, mp3Stream); }); // or record var recorder = new MediaRecorder(strea); // or merge into microphone (using MultiStreamsMixer.js) var audioMixer = new MultiStreamsMixer([microphone, mp3Stream]); var microphoneAndScreenStream = audioMixer.getMixedStream(); }); } }; function getMp3Stream(mp3File, callback) { window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; var context = new AudioContext(); var gainNode = context.createGain(); gainNode.connect(context.destination); gainNode.gain.value = 0; // don't play for self var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = (function(e) { // Import callback function // provides PCM audio data decoded as an audio buffer context.decodeAudioData(e.target.result, createSoundSource); }); reader.readAsArrayBuffer(mp3File); function createSoundSource(buffer) { var soundSource = context.createBufferSource(); soundSource.buffer = buffer; soundSource.start(0, 0 / 1000); soundSource.connect(gainNode); var destination = context.createMediaStreamDestination(); soundSource.connect(destination); // durtion=second*1000 (milliseconds) callback(destination.stream, buffer.duration * 1000); } }
How to get mp3 stream using promises?
document.querySelector('input[type=file]').onchange = function(event) { var file = this.files[0]; if(file && file.size > 0) { getMp3StreamUsingPromises(file).then(function(mp3Stream) {}); var mp3Stream = await getMp3StreamUsingPromises(file); } }; function getMp3StreamUsingPromises(mp3File) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { try { window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; var context = new AudioContext(); var gainNode = context.createGain(); gainNode.connect(context.destination); gainNode.gain.value = 0; // don't play for self function createSoundSource(buffer) { var soundSource = context.createBufferSource(); soundSource.buffer = buffer; soundSource.start(0, 0 / 1000); soundSource.connect(gainNode); var destination = context.createMediaStreamDestination(); soundSource.connect(destination); // durtion=second*1000 (milliseconds) resolve(destination.stream, buffer.duration * 1000); } var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = (function(e) { // Import callback function // provides PCM audio data decoded as an audio buffer context.decodeAudioData(e.target.result, createSoundSource); }); reader.readAsArrayBuffer(mp3File); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); }
How to check if website already has privileges to access camera/microphone?
// link: https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/DetectRTC/checkDevicesSupport.js // check for microphone/camera support! checkDeviceSupport(function() { document.write('hasWebCam: ', hasWebcam, '<br>'); document.write('hasMicrophone: ', hasMicrophone, '<br>'); document.write('isWebsiteHasWebcamPermissions: ', isWebsiteHasWebcamPermissions, '<br>'); document.write('isWebsiteHasMicrophonePermissions: ', isWebsiteHasMicrophonePermissions, '<br>'); });via: http://stackoverflow.com/a/30047627/552182
How to manage audio/video bitrates?
// Link this Library: // https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/BandwidthHandler.js // here is how to use it var bandwidth = { screen: 300, // 300kbits minimum audio: 50, // 50kbits minimum video: 256 // 256kbits (both min-max) }; var isScreenSharing = false; sdp = BandwidthHandler.setApplicationSpecificBandwidth(sdp, bandwidth, isScreenSharing); sdp = BandwidthHandler.setVideoBitrates(sdp, { min: bandwidth.video, max: bandwidth.video }); sdp = BandwidthHandler.setOpusAttributes(sdp);
How to set audio sdp parameters?
sdp = BandwidthHandler.setOpusAttributes(sdp, { 'stereo': 0, // to disable stereo (to force mono audio) 'sprop-stereo': 1, 'maxaveragebitrate': 500 * 1024 * 8, // 500 kbits 'maxplaybackrate': 500 * 1024 * 8, // 500 kbits 'cbr': 0, // disable cbr 'useinbandfec': 1, // use inband fec 'usedtx': 1, // use dtx 'maxptime': 3 });via: http://stackoverflow.com/a/16868123/552182
How to fix Chrome camera/microphone failures?
# open this page chrome://settings/content#media-stream-micvia: http://stackoverflow.com/a/14617402/552182
How to detect local or remote stream?
// chrome 48+ var isRemoteAudioStream = false; var isRemoteVideoStream = false; stream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { if (track.remote === true && track.kind === 'audio') { isRemoteAudioStream = true; } if (track.remote === true && track.kind === 'video') { isRemoteVideoStream = true; } }); alert('Remote audio stream? ' + isRemoteAudioStream); alert('Remote video stream? ' + isRemoteVideoStream);
How to capture audio+screen in a single getUserMedia request?
// firefox 38+ var screen = { mediaSource: 'monitor' // monitor or window }; var constraints = { video: screen, audio: true }; navigator.mozGetUserMedia(constraints, successCallback, failureCallback);
How to display HTMLVideoElement poster?
htmlVideoElement.src = null; htmlVideoElement.pause(); // above two lines are mandatory htmlVideoElement.poster = '/muted.png';
Before sending data over RTC-data-channels
// define below snippet as soon as you invoked "peer.createDataChannel" method // first step: take a reference to original "send" method channel.internalSend = channel.send; // define your own "send" wrapper channel.send = function(data) { // check for "readyState==open" if(channel.readyState !== 'open') { // make sure that peer is NOT closed if(peer.iceConnectionState.search(/disconnected|closed|failed/gi) !== -1) { return; } // retry after 1-second setTimeout(function() { channels.send(data); }, 1000); return; } // send data using real data-channel object channel.internalSend(data); };
Modify streams without "remaking" getUserMedia request
// supported only in firefox 43+ var originalStream = window.yourOrigianlStream; // change from 360p to 720p function changeVideoStreamTo720p() { var videoConstraints = { width: { min: 1280 }, height: { min: 720 } }; originalStream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { if(track.kind === 'video') { track.applyConstraints(videoConstraints); } }); } function showFrontCamera() { var videoConstraints = { facingMode: { exact: 'user' } }; originalStream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { if(track.kind === 'video') { track.applyConstraints(videoConstraints); } }); } function showRearCamera() { var videoConstraints = { facingMode: { exact: 'environment' } }; originalStream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { if(track.kind === 'video') { track.applyConstraints(videoConstraints); } }); }
Capture Rear or Front Camera
// supported only in firefox 43+ #1 capture rear camera var videoConstraints = { facingMode: { exact: 'environment' } }; navigator.mozGetUserMedia({ video: videoConstraints }, onSuccessCallback, onFailureCallback); #1 capture front camera var videoConstraints = { facingMode: { exact: 'user' } }; navigator.mozGetUserMedia({ video: videoConstraints }, onSuccessCallback, onFailureCallback);
Select Secondary (2nd) Camera
function selectSecondaryCamera() { // link: https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/DetectRTC/checkDeviceSupport.js // LIVE Demo for this function // https://jsfiddle.net/cf90az9q/ checkDeviceSupport(function() { var secondDevice = videoInputDevices[1]; if(!secondDevice) return alert('Secondary webcam is NOT available.'); var videoConstraints = { deviceId: secondDevice.deviceId }; if(!!navigator.webkitGetUserMedia) { videoConstraints = { mandatory: {}, optional: [{ sourceId: secondDevice.deviceId }] } } navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia; navigator.getUserMedia({ video: videoConstraints }, function(stream) { // }, function(error) { alert(JSON.stringify(error)); }); }); }
- Maximum peer connections limit is 256.
- Opus codec minimum bandwidth is 6kbit/s
- Opus codec maximum bandwidth is 510kbits/s
- Vp8 codec minimum bandwidth is 100kbits/s
Vp8 codec maximum bandwidth is 2000+ kbits/s
- 720p at 30 FPS causes 1.0-to-2.0 Mbps bandwidth usage
- 360p at 30 FPS causes 0.5-to-1.0 Mbps bandwidth usage
- 180p at 30 FPS causes 0.1-to-0.5 Mbps bandwidth usage
- Maximum bandwidth used by each RTP port is 1MB.
- Only one media source i.e. "APM" is permitted.
- WebRTC currently uses UDP for RTP transmission.
- Maximum video bitrate on chrome is about 2Mb/s (i.e. 2000kbits/s).
- Minimum video bitrate on chrome is .05Mb/s (i.e. 50kbits/s).
- Starting video bitrate on chrome is .3Mb/s (i.e. 300kbits/s).
- Each RTP port is using 1 MB bandwidth. It means that 4 MB bandwidth is acquired by each peer.
- Maximum external video condecs can be used on chrome is 8.
- Maximum simulcast streams limit is 4.
- In peer-to-server connection; you can catch DTLS/SRTP (i.e. RTP/RTCP) pacekts as binary-stream.
- "peer.removeStream" Removes a stream from the PeerConnection. If the stream parameter is absent, removes the stream that was most recently added to the PeerConnection.
- Opus uses both mono and stereo codecs. Mono bitrate for opus on chrome is 32000 and stereo bitrate is 64000.
- According to draft "draft-spittka-payload-rtp-opus-03", "Opus bitrate should be in the range between 6000 and 510000", that's why opus min bitrate on chrome is 6000 and max bitrate is 510000.
- SCTP pacekt max size is 1280.
- Data max bandwidth is 30720 bps.
You can set following resolutions (min/max width/height):
- 1920:1080
- 1280:720
- 960:720
- 640:360
- 640:480
- 320:240
- 320:180
- 1280:800
- 1280:720
- 960:600
- 960:540
- 640:400
- 640:360
- 640:480
- 480:300
- 480:270
- 480:360
- 320:200
- 320:180
- 320:240
- 240:150
- 240:135
- 240:180
- 160:100
- 160:90
- 160:120
Following buffer-sizes are allowed (used in RecordRTC):
- 256
- 512
- 1024
- 2048
- 4096
- 8192
- 16384
- SampleRate must be in the range 22050 to 96000 (used in RecordRTC).
Possible media m-lines:
- m=audio
- m=video
- m=application
- m=data
- m=control
- m=radius
- m=tacacs
- m=diameter
- m=NAS_L2TP
- m=image
- If you're newcomer, newbie or beginner; you're suggested to try RTCMultiConnection.js or DataChannel.js libraries.