Share files using File.js
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Relevant tutorial: How to share files using WebRTC Data Channel (RTP/SCTP) APIs?This tutorial introduces a new library called "File.js" which can be used alongwidth any framework or realtime protocol like WebSockets/SCTP/etc. to share files of any size concurrently.
First Step: Link the Library
<script src=""></script>
Second Step: Setup ProgressBar Helpers
var progressHelper = {}; var outputPanel = document.body; var fileHelper = { onBegin: function (file) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.title =; div.innerHTML = '<label>0%</label> <progress></progress>'; outputPanel.insertBefore(div, outputPanel.firstChild); progressHelper[file.uuid] = { div: div, progress: div.querySelector('progress'), label: div.querySelector('label') }; progressHelper[file.uuid].progress.max = file.maxChunks; }, onEnd: function (file) { progressHelper[file.uuid].div.innerHTML = '<a href="' + file.url + '" target="_blank" download="' + + '"<' + + '</a>'; }, onProgress: function (chunk) { var helper = progressHelper[chunk.uuid]; helper.progress.value = chunk.currentPosition || chunk.maxChunks || helper.progress.max; updateLabel(helper.progress, helper.label); } }; function updateLabel(progress, label) { if (progress.position == -1) return; var position = +progress.position.toFixed(2).split('.')[1] || 100; label.innerHTML = position + '%'; }
- "progressHelper" is a user-defined variable used to store progress-bars of the each file. It is useful to display multiple progress-bars at the same time!
- "outputPanel" is another user-defined variable used to display progress-bars.
- "uuid" is files unique identifier; used to allow multiple files "concurrent" but "guaranteed" transmission.
Third Setp: Send One or More Files Concurrently
File.Send({ file: file, channel: peer, interval: 100, chunkSize: 1000, // 1000 for RTP; or 16k for SCTP // chrome's sending limit is 64k; firefox' receiving limit is 16k! onBegin: fileHelper.onBegin, onEnd: fileHelper.onEnd, onProgress: fileHelper.onProgress });
- "file" can be input[type=file] or Blob
- "channel" can be, websockets or webrtc-peer
- "interval" is optional; lets you customize how quickly transmit chunks
- "chunkSize" lets you customize size of the single chunk; default is 40k
- "onBegin" is fired as quickly as you send a file
- "onProgress" is fired on sending a chunk
- "onEnd" is fired on sending entire file
Fourth Step: Receive Files
var fleReceiver = new File.Receiver(fileHelper); peer.onmessage = function (data) { fleReceiver.receive(data); };
On the constructor; you need to pass an object like {onBegin, onEnd, onProgress}:
- "onBegin" is fired as quickly as you send a file
- "onProgress" is fired on receiving a chunk
- "onEnd" is fired on receiving entire file
- "receive" method must be called as soon as your signalling solution gets/receives the chunk.