RTCall.js — A library for Browser-to-Browser audio-only calling
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How to make audio-only calls using RTCall?
// https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/RTCall.js var call = new RTCall(); // "onincomingcall" fires each time if someone calls you call.onincomingcall = function(caller) { call.receive(caller.receiverid); }; // "oncustomer" is fired only for admin // you can set admin like this: // call.admin = true; call.oncustomer = function(customer) { call.call(customer.callerid); }; // "onstream" returns you remote media stream call.onstream = function(e) { // e.stream ---- remote media stream object // e.callerid ---- id of the remote person audio = e.audio; audio.play(); // "e.audio" object is paused by default document.documentElement.appendChild(audio); }; // initializing "RTCall" object call.init(); // customers can call "admin" using his caller-id call.call('admin-caller-id');
How to use custom signaling channel?
By default, RTCall is using WebSockets for signaling. You can use socket.io, WebSync or services like firebase, pubnub, pusher etc.
call.openSignalingChannel = function(config) { var SIGNALING_SERVER = 'https://socketio-over-nodejs2.herokuapp.com:443/'; var channel = config.channel || this.channel; var sender = Math.round(Math.random() * 60535) + 5000; io.connect(SIGNALING_SERVER).emit('new-channel', { channel: channel, sender : sender }); var socket = io.connect(SIGNALING_SERVER + channel); socket.channel = channel; socket.on('connect', function () { if (config.callback) config.callback(socket); }); socket.send = function (message) { socket.emit('message', { sender: sender, data : message }); }; socket.on('message', config.onmessage); };
Or Firebase:
call.openSignalingChannel = function (config) { var channel = config.channel || this.channel; var socket = new Firebase('https://webrtc.firebaseIO.com/' + channel); socket.on('child_added', function (snap) { var data = snap.val(); config.onmessage(data); // we want socket.io behavior; // that's why data is removed from firebase servers // as soon as it is received // data.userid != userid && if (data.userid != userid) snap.ref().remove(); }); // must override "send" socket.send = function (data) { socket.push(data); }; config.callback(socket); };