Pre-recorded media streaming using RTCMultiConnection
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You can stream your WebM or Mp3 files using WebRTC media ports. It is a realtime streaming!
Old pre-recorded media streaming demo is available here.
The person who opens room, will select a WebM file. This demo will read your WebM file and generate a MediaStream object. The resulting MediaStream object will be shared with other users in realtime using WebRTC RTCPeerConnection API.
Check 51 other RTCMultiConnection-v3 demos
- Audio+ScreenSharing.html (Source)
- Audio+Video+TextChat+FileSharing.html (Source)
- Audio-Conferencing.html (Source)
- Audio-Video-Screen.html (Source)
- Cross-Domain-Screen-Capturing.html (Source)
- Disconnect+Rejoin.html (Source)
- Files-Scalable-Broadcast.html (Source)
- Firebase-Demo.html (Source)
- MCU.html (Source)
- Multi-Broadcasters-and-Many-Viewers.html (Source)
- One-to-One.html (Source)
- Password-Protected-Rooms.html (Source)
- Pre-recorded-Media-Streaming.html (Source)
- PubNub-Demo.html (Source)
- SFU.html (Source)
- SSEConnection.html (Source)
- Scalable-Broadcast.html (Source)
- Scalable-Screen-Broadcast.html (Source)
- Scalable-Screen-plus-Audio-Broadcast.html (Source)
- Scalable-Video-Conferencing.html (Source)
- StreamHasData.html (Source)
- TextChat+FileSharing.html (Source)
- Translate-TextChat.html (Source)
- Video-Conferencing.html (Source)
- Video-Scalable-Broadcast.html (Source)
- Videos-Layout.html (Source)
- WebSocket-Demo.html (Source)
- addStream-in-Chat-room.html (Source)
- admin-guest.html (Source)
- applyConstraints.html (Source)
- autoCreateMediaElement.html (Source)
- change-resolutions.html (Source)
- checkPresence.html (Source)
- custom-socket-event.html (Source)
- file-sharing.html (Source)
- getPublicModerators.html (Source)
- getStats.html (Source)
- keep-rejoining.html (Source)
- replaceTrack.html (Source)
- screen-sharing.html (Source)
- share-part-of-screen.html (Source)
- switch-cameras.html (Source)
- v2-conference.html (Source)
- video-broadcasting.html (Source)